thesis writing


Management Dissertation Topics: Make Your Paper Stand Out

Writing a dissertation for a management or business class can be tough. You want to stand out from the crowd, make an impact, and have something important to say. Not only that, but you’re going to be putting months of time into this thing, with pages and pages to write. Don’t be your worst enemy and pick a topic that isn’t for you. That initial first step of picking the right topic is all-important, as everything else hinges around it. So use these handy tips to help you pick the right one:

  • Is It Interesting to You
  • Is It Interesting to Others
  • Is It Relevant to You
  • Is It Interesting to You
  • The first thing you want to do when picking a topic is make sure it’s interesting to you. There’s nothing worse than spending months at time writing a dissertation that you aren’t interested in. You’ll find yourself doing a half-passed job and losing faith in yourself. If you want to get that paper done, choose something you care around.

  • Is It Interesting to Others
  • The guys reading your paper are human, too. They have their own interests. Not to mention they’ll probably have spend a week reading a hundred other dissertations. So make sure whatever you choose to do has a slant to it, has a bit of meat to it. Give your dissertation something different. Ask a question that hasn’t been asked before or find a new answer. You don’t have to change the world, but make sure you’re more interesting than the thirty other people doing the same boring old regular stuff.

  • Is It Relevant to You
  • Don’t pick a fancy topic just because it sounds awesome. If you specialize in team leadership then maybe you should do a dissertation on that. It’s easy to get carried away thinking about all the possibilities of a topic, but stick to what you know, to what you’re good at, and you won’t go far wrong. Try not to get too caught up in the hype. Yes, you want to be different and interesting and funny and all of that good stuff, but at the end of the day you’re trying to write a factual paper on real-world stuff. So choose a topic you like, that you think others might like, and that you have a good working knowledge of. Because at the end of the day, picking your topic is only the first step, you still have to go away and write the thing out!

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  • Expert writing tips

    The best way to make a strong thesis is to create precis. The precis is a paragraph summary of your paper. It will help you to restrain ideas and make your writing more organized.

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