thesis writing


Academic Writing Ideas: How to Create a PhD Thesis

Your doctorate of philosophy thesis may be the hardest piece of literature you will ever write. One of the reasons it will be such a difficult task, is the freedom involved in choosing your topic, depth, and direction of your PhD thesis. Why would having absolute freedom make your thesis hard to write? Because it involves picking the thesis that you know will excite, inform, and be successful for yourself and readers.

Your readers must feel as if they are gaining something from reading your thesis, a connection they had not made before, a change in point of view they did not think they would ever acquire, or additional information to a belief or concept they had already explored.

The most essential part in creating your thesis is to create one you are invested and absolutely interested in learning and exploring. Without your own self-interest, your thesis will reflect your boredom with the topic and your readers (most likely future employers) will feel the disinterest and then assume you did not care enough about your thesis.

It is also important to create a PhD thesis that is original or an idea spun off something that has already been done. It is vital you avoid topics that have been beaten like a dead horse, or have been written about various times before. Choosing a redundant topic will tell your readers and future employers that you did not care enough about your thesis to look further and reach further into your mind to find a new branch to explore. It may also imply you did not want to do a lot of research because a repeated topic will already have various pieces of information and research ready for you to retrieve.

A truly original topic will require hours upon hours of researching new scholarly articles and books to defend or give evidence to your points. Lastly, to ensure you have created a PhD thesis that will be successful, you must create one that you as a person, student, and educator are absolutely invested with. The topic cannot be one that you just thought would be easy, this topic you choose will follow you everywhere you work and study if you stay in the academia world.

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